LVX Health

Nutritional practices

LVX Health can help to guide you through each phase of your fitness training programme by offering the followiing, dedicated nutritional support and advice.

Making time

Making Time

Time management is foundational to all other behaviours

  1. Together, we will find out what you truly value and prioritise this in your schedule
  2. We will also define and eliminate what steals your time
  3. Together we will then ensure your calendar reflects what is most important to you

Eating Slowly

Eating slowly almost inevitably leads to eating a little less, feeling more in control of eating, as well as more mindful and aware

  1. This is essential to fat loss
  2. Eating slowly can be done anywhere, anytime, with any food, in any situation
  3. This includes binge eating
  4. A very simple habit to understand, though rarely an easy one to do

Leaving Space

To lose fat, usually we have to eat a little less than we do now

This habit builds on eating slowly and continues to teach appetite awareness, building intuitive understanding and control of hunger/fullness. Over time, you will learn to sense your hunger and satiety cues properly, as well as distinguish physical hunger from cravings. This habit helps you analyse eating habits as a process (rather than something that “just happens”), therefore it improves mindfulness.

Protein, Colours, Carbs, Fats

Get Enough Protein

We need protein for almost every metabolic process in the body. LVX will:

  1. Help you understand what foods are high in protein and how much you specifically need
  2. Help plant-based eaters with high protein options
  3. Help you decide upon effective supplement strategies
  4. Provide you with specific digital resources (like a shopping list) to support you with your application and understanding of this powerful habit

Eat More Colours

Eating more colourful fruits and vegetables: instantly improves nutritional quality and adds variety. LVX will:

  1. Help you understand what makes fruits and vegetables good and how much you need
  2. Help you establish effective supplement strategies
  3. Provide you with specific digital resources (like a shopping list) to support you with your application and understanding of this powerful habit

Choose The Right Carbs

Not all carbs are created equal. LVX will:

  1. Help you understand what makes the right carbs important to your health and how much you need
  2. Help you understand why most guys look, feel, and perform better with some carbs in their diet, even if they’re trying to lose weight / fat
  3. Provide you with specific digital resources (like a shopping list) to support you with your application and understanding of this powerful habit

Find Healthy Fats

Healthy fats help with recovery, appetite regulation, hormone synthesis and other key metabolic tasks. Best of all, they make food taste good. LVX will:

  1. Help you understand that there are different types of fat, with different effects in the body
  2. Show you how much you need to have a balance of healthy fats to feel and function best
  3. Provide you with specific digital resources (like a shopping list) to support you with your application and understanding of this powerful habit


It’s easy to take in a lot of unwanted calories with drinks. LVX will help you understand the importance of hydration and assess what and how much you are currently drinking and where you might substitute or change your choices towards "a little bit better". We will also provide you with specific digital resources (like info graphic) to support you with your application and understanding of this powerful habit

Workout Recovery

Recovery doesn’t happen by accident. In our busy and demanding lives, we have to chase it. LVX will help you:

  1. Understand that our bodies don't get better, fitter, and/or leaner during workouts
  2. They get better between workouts, as they rebuild and recover
  3. Effective supplementation
  4. We will also provide you with specific digital resources (like how to make a super shake) to support you with your application and understanding of this powerful habit

Sleep Ritual

We need enough good quality sleep to be healthy and fit. LVX will help you understand how getting enough good quality sleep is important for health, fitness, body composition, athletic performance, and recovery. We will also provide you with specific digital resources (like an info graphic) to support you with your application and understanding of this powerful habit


Notice and Name, All is Mind, Stay calm and objective

LVX will help you on the first steps of understanding how your thoughts affect your feelings and your actions and vice versa. We will also provide you with specific digital resources (like an info graphic) to support you with your application and understanding of this powerful habit

Growth Mindset

Progress over perfection. LVX will help you:

  1. Understand how to think on a continuum and that good enough is good enough
  2. Shift from extreme black/white all or nothing choices to seeing shades of moderation
  3. We will also provide you with specific digital resources (like an info graphic) to support you with your application and understanding of this powerful habit

Self Awareness

Know Your 'Why', because 'why' is the only real source of power

LVX will help you understand your deeper motivations and reasons for action so you may take all of what you have learnt with us, sustain your success and spread the love. We will also provide you with specific digital resources (like an info graphic) to support you with your application and understanding of this powerful habit

Ready to talk?

Talk to us to find out more about how joining an LVX Health training programme could help you achieve your health and finess goals.